CPA - Affiliated Leagues - 2024


Aspatria and District Pool League -


Carlisle Blackball League -


Kendal and District Pool League -


Penrith and District Pool League -


( NOTE - No responsibility is taken for external websites ). 


Cumbria Pool Association Constitution ( Updated Jan 2024 ) -


  1. The organisation shall be called the Cumbria Pool Association (CPA) and referred to as the ‘Association’ or CPA throughout this constitution.


  1. The Association shall be affiliated to the English Pool Association (EPA) and relevant sections within the EPA.


  1. The aim of the Association is to administer and promote the game of 8 ball pool within the nominated area of Cumbria.


  1. League Affiliation


A.  Any pool league within the nominated area may join the Association by affiliating through the CPA Secretary.


B. If the standard AGM is undertaken within December of any year, then the affiliation period will begin on the 1st December and then end on the 30th November in that year. If the standard AGM is undertaken within January or February of any year, then the affiliation period will begin on the 1st January and then end on the 31st December in that year. If the standard AGM not in a 12 monthly cycle, then the periods of affiliation will be extended or shortened to suit the standard AGM dates in any yearly cycle.


C. Any league which has not affiliated in the previous season, or any newly formed league, may affiliate at any point during the period with their affiliation registration being applied until the start of the next official period.


D. When a league affiliation has been accepted, and all fees are paid up in full, then they are deemed to be a full member of the Association.


E. All affiliation fees are to be paid to the Association Treasurer within 28 days or on the date of the Association AGM.


F. No league will be allowed to re-affiliate with the Association until any outstanding debts have been paid up in full.


G. All officials on the Executive Committee must be members of a fully paid up affiliated league at all times. The referees associate must be a fully paid up affiliated member of the EPRA at all times and the associate is responsible for their fees not the association.


H. Any pool leagues in Cumbria can affiliate to the Cumbria Pool Association by payment of the appropriate fee. The value of this fee will be set at each AGM and be a flat figure irrespective of the number of teams in an affiliating league.

  1. Officials


Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Men’s Team Manager, Ladies Team Manager, Men’s Assistant team manager, Referees Associate.


  1. Affiliated League Representation


A.  Each league affiliated with the Association must appoint a representative to serve and attend any meeting and events called & organised by the Association. The Name, Address, Telephone numbers & E-Mail addresses of the Representative must be supplied to the Association secretary.


B.  Any league wishing to change their league representative must notify the Association Secretary as soon as possible & submit all new contact details as above.


C.  Any affiliated league failing to attend two consecutive association meetings may face a fine of £25.


Voting Rights


D.  At an AGM or EGM, each affiliated league representative will have one vote per proposal.


      In the event of the tied vote things would stay as they are.


E.  Only fully paid up leagues can vote or take part in any meeting; forexample AGM/EGM or represent the Association at Regional or National level.


F.  Voting rights at a Committee meeting shall be on a one vote per league representative, CPA Official or elected Committee person.



  1. An annual general meeting (AGM) will be held within either December or the first two months of each calendar cycle / year. Four meetings of the CPA during the year will be held, at a minimum, at a suitable venue.


  1. The Officials to be appointed at the AGM shall be: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, AssistantSecretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer. Should a vacancy arise during the year, the Committee may fill that vacancy until the next AGM.


  1. A quorum for a County Committee meeting shall be a minimum of two (2) Officials, and anotherfour (4) persons from the League Representative / Committee pool. In an event that a vote is tied, there will be no casting vote and the status quo shall prevail.


  1. Any registered league that has a written constitution may provide a copy to the Association if they so wish.


  1. A copy of any affiliated leagues AGM minutes may also be sent to the CPA if they so wish.


  1. Inter-League


A. The CPA Inter-league competition is to adhere to the EPA National Inter-league Rules.


B. The Association will not finance any affiliated league’s Inter-league team.


C. Inter-league entry fee’s are to be paid to the CPA Treasurer on the day of the AGM or within 28 days of the Association’s AGM. Any team failing to do so will not be entered. The late entry of new teams will be considered by the Executive Committee on a case by case basis.


D. All affiliating leagues will accept and pay for on receipt of five (5) books of raffle tickets for the region draw.


E. The CPA Inter-league follows the EPA National Inter-league Rules on registration of players. Any player having played in an Inter-league match and not registered (EPA form, fees & photo submitted to the appropriate CPA Official) within 7 days of that match will forfeit any frames they have won to their opponent.

F. The make-up of the Inter-league fixture schedule is to be dependent on team entry numbers and to be agreed at the beginning of each season and ideally at the AGM.

G. Inter-league matches are to commence at 14:00hrs unless both teams agree to a different start time.

H. Inter-league fixture dates are scheduledfor Sundays through the year between January and December.With the agreement of both IL team captains the match scheduled for the Sunday can be rearranged for the immediate previous Saturday or Friday without sanction.For instance, a match scheduled for Sunday 26th could be played on the Friday (24th) or Saturday (25th) or remain on the fixtured time and date of the original Sunday. The final IL fixture of the season cannot be changed.


i. The Inter-league Coordinator to receive all Inter-league results and maintain an up-to-date league table and player stats.This person does not need to be on the Committee but can be seconded with a vote in any issues/appeals relating specifically to the Inter-league.


J. At least 7 days notice must be given if an Inter-league fixture is to be postponed, i.e. by midnight on the previous Sunday.No postponement can take place after this time although the Saturday or Friday could be used with agreement of both captains (12.H).Any fixture requiring rearrangement must be notified to the other team captain, the IL Coordinator and the CPA Chairman at the time of the cancellation and by the stated time.


K. Re-arrangement of Inter-league matches – within 14 days of the fixture cancellation the non-offending team to offer 3 reasonable dates to the opposing captain. If no agreement between captains can be reached, it must be referred to CPA Officials at the earliest opportunity. The CPA will then mediate and/or advise on a date the fixture is to be played.If the fixture is subsequently not played the CPA will take the circumstances of the rearrangement process into consideration and may be declare a draw (with 9 players from each team receiving POY points), one team could be awarded the win by manner of ‘forfeit’ or the home/away reversed as most appropriate to the situation.


L. All re-arranged IL matches in the 1st half of the season to be played by the end of August and all matches cancelled after August must be played by the final match day.


M. Once a rearranged fixture date has been agreed (which should be notified immediately to the Interleague Coordinator plus CPA Secretary & Chairman) normal rules apply re rearrangement, i.e. 7 days and only one per season.


N. Each team will only be allowed to rearrange one fixture from the issued fixture list (excluding the Saturday/Friday rule). If a team forfeits a fixture during the season it will count in effect as their one rearrangement allowed, i.e. they will not be allowed to rearrange another fixture later in the season.


O. Any team on forfeiting a fixture will have it marked as their one allowed rearrangement.


P. When teams forfeit a fixture the "winning" team shall receive 2 points for the win plus a 13-5 on their aggregate.


Q. Teams forfeiting a fixture shall receive zero points for that fixture.


R. The forfeiting IL team shall get zero frame wins in the event of a cancellation.


S. In the event of a forfeited fixture the ‘winning’ team shall submit a result sheet with their team filled in, including substitutes, for POY and Interleague statistics. All players on the team sheet will receive wins towards the POY


T. In the event of an inter-league team withdrawing, or being expelled from the Inter-league competition, the league points and POY points are to be cancelled and the league and POY tables be adjusted to suit.


U. If a team fails to fulfil 2 of their fixtures, they will be expelled from the Inter-league for that season.


V. .

W. The Player of the Year (POY) will be awarded for wins in Inter-league matches only, i.e. not KO.In the event of more than one player achieving the same wins during the season the award will be shared.


X. An 8 ball clearance will only be counted when taken off the break or from a DRY break, i.e. NO balls potted including white.


Y. Re-arrangement of Inter-league matches – Where a re-arranged game date has been agreed and subsequently the game cannot be played and if no agreement between captains can be reached, it must be referred to CPA Offcials at the earliest opportunity. The CPA will then mediate and/or advise on a date the fixture is to be played or If the fixture is subsequently not played the CPA will take the circumstances of the rearrangement process into consideration and may be declare a draw (with 9 players from each team receiving POY points), one team could be awarded the win by manner of ‘forfeit’ or the home/away reversed as most appropriate to the situation


      13. Events Run by the CPA


A.  All players entering a CPA arranged competition must be a registered card holder with the EPA.Registration can be done on the day of the event on completion of a form, fees and photo.


B.  EPA dress code will apply to all CPA arranged competitions unless specifically stated otherwise.


C.  The CPA must abide by the rules as set out by the EPA regarding registration eligibility.Any EPA registered players playing Blackball in contravention to the EPA restrictions will have their registration suspended and the disciplinary procedure initiated.


D.  The Committee reserve the right to refuse entry to any CPA run events / competitions.


E. A one day competition, for all those that have represented Cumbria twice in the previous year, just one comp for all categories. This could be an annual event held at the end of February, which will also help with registrations for the upcoming County season. Possibly with some money added from the CPA


      14. Disputes & Discipline


A.  In the event of a dispute occurring in a game of pool organised by the CPA, a complaint must be registered with the Organising section within seven (7) days of the offence occurring.


B.  The committee reserves the right to suspend, fine or expel any member, team or league, for any breach of these rules, EPA Rules and Guidelines, or any rules that the committee makes at any future time, or for any act deemed by the committee to have brought the Association into disrepute.


C.  Any individual member, team or league, accused of any offence against the Association, will be afforded every opportunity to defend themselves, or explain their conduct either in writing, or in person to the disciplinary committee.


D.  Any member, team or league, expelled will not be allowed to enter a competition organised by the Association, until the body who suspended the party has re-admitted them to the body, which originally suspended them.


E.  If a member, team or league is suspended, then the names, addresses and reason for suspension, must be forwarded to the Associations Secretary.


F.  Any member, team or league, expelled from the Association, will forfeit the whole of any subscriptions paid for the current year, and any right or entitlement formally accorded to them as members of the Association.


G.  A member/team suspended at league level, must appeal to the league who suspended them firstly. If the appeal fails the member may request their County Association to hear their case.If the County Association rejects their case the member can request the Region to hear their case.If the Region rejects their case the member can request the EPA to hear their case and their decision will be final.


H.  Any league suspended by a County Association, must appeal to the County Association who suspended them firstly.If the appeal fails the league may request the Region to hear their case.If the Region rejects their appeal the league can request the EPA to hear their case and their decision will be final.


i.  The Associations appeals committee will consist of an Official of the CPA and one (1) delegate from the two (2) closest affiliated leagues to the league the case originated from.


J.  The Appeals Committee will have had no prior involvement in the case.


K.  Any appeals to matters concerned with "Disputes and Discipline" must be put in writing and submitted to the Secretary within 7 days of any decision made. A Committee meeting must be called to discuss any appeals made within 2 weeks and must have a minimum attendance of 5 members.


     15. County Team & Players


A.  The County squads will consist of a Men’s A & B, Seniors and Ladies teams. Team selection criteria for the coming year will be decided at the AGM.


B.  The County squad will be composed of existing players who have shown commitment during the previous season and earned the right to be retained. These will be added to as necessary by the holding of County trials or by direct recruitment to achieve the required numbers and quality. Captains can add players as the seasons progresses as required and in compliance with EPA Registration procedures


C.  County Trials, if undertaken, will be held within the first two months of each calendar year and are open to any player who is playing in an affiliated league.


D.  It is the responsibility of the player to inform the team Captains if they cannot play in a County fixture. The player must give 3 days notice and failure to do so may result in the player being ineligible from the next fixture.


E.  All County Players must adhere to the EPA dress code. Any player failing to do so will be subject to any fines resulting from this.


F.  All County players must be EPA registered ID card holders and be able to present their card at any CPA or EPA event. In an event of a player receiving a fine for not being able to present their card the player is responsible for payment of the fine and not the association.


G.  A County player will become a senior player if he or she has played for more than 8 years within the County squad.


H.  Any player who has an outstanding debt with the association will result in the player having their position on the county team reviewed.


     16. Proposals


A.  Any proposals for the AGM must be sent in writing to the CPA Secretary or Chairman at least fourteen days prior to the AGM taking place.


B.  Application for the positions listed below must be applied for in writing and sent to the CPA Secretary or Chairman at least fourteen days before the AGM.



Vice Chairman


Assistant Secretary


Assistant Treasurer


     17. Finances


A.  The Chairman, Secretary and the Treasurer will be entered on the bank mandate. The treasurer plus either the chairman or the secretary must sign all cheques. i.e. two (2) signatures is always required.


B.  The treasurer will present at each meeting of the association all income and expenditure since the last meeting of the association.


C.  At a minimum of annually, or on the change of Treasurer, the accounts will be reviewed by the Executive Committee to ensure proper banking procedures have been observed.


Updated Jan 2024.....

We are located at:

County Venue -


Currock Road,


Cumbria, CA2 4AS.

Telephone -

01228 546 300.



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© Cumbria Pool Association